Wednesday, April 4, 2007

If Programmers made car

A lot have been written about programmers been non committal or too lazy, making their software buggy for normal users. Lots of comparisons has been done like "If the programmers made car...".

1. The car would ask "Are you sure ?", after the user turns on the ignition.
2. The car would stop suddenly for no apparent reason.
3. etc. etc.

The logical thinking and planning of a car engineer is same as that of a programmer. Both take logical decisions and make something useful for the normal person.

How come the car engineer ensures that the car runs perfectly in right conditions, whereas the application made by the programmer throws up unnecessarily questions and crashes with no fault of the user.

We all forget in these comparisons that the programmer always have this in their mind that "their application is going to run on data and not on human life/property". This is debatable, but lets start from here.

So the programmer has the liberty to keep a backup of the data before executing his/her code. In case of any problem, restore the data to it's original state. So instead of giving effort on making a foolproof system the programmers tend to give warning messages and option to backup the data before proceeding.

Just think of it, if we have the same option for our life and property, would we be afraid of taking chance in life ? It is THIS sense of data security which tends to make our programmers lazy in scrutinising their codes than their counterpart car engineers.
